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OBS Studio 30.2.2

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OBS Studio es un popular software libre y de código abierto para grabación de video y transmisión en vivo en plataformas como Twitch y similares.

Cuenta con versiones para Windows, macOS y Linux.

obs studio.webp

Características principales de OBS Studio:

  • Captura y mezcla sonido/vídeo a tiempo real de alta calidad, con escenas ilimitadas entre las cuales puedes cambiar fácilmente a través transiciones personalizadas.
  • Filtros para fuentes de vídeo como son las máscaras de color, correcciones de color, ajustes de chromas y más.
  • Mezclador de audio intuitivo con filtros predeterminados para las puertas de ruido, supresiones del mismo y balances. Coge las riendas con la ayuda del plugin VST.
  • Opciones de configuración potentes y fáciles de utilizar. Añade nuevas fuentes, duplica las ya existentes, y ajusta sus propiedades sin esfuerzo alguno.
  • Panel de ajustes optimizado para configurar rápidamente tus grabaciones y retransmisiones. Cambia de perfil con facilidad.
  • Escoge de una variedad de transiciones diferentes personalizables para cuando cambies tus escenas
  • Establece accesos rápidos para prácticamente cualquier acción, tal como cambiar entre escenas, iniciar/parar tanto retransmisiones como grabaciones, silenciar las fuentes de audio, pulsar para hablar, y más.
  • Modo Estudiote permite previsualizar tu escena y las fuentes antes de ponerlas en vivo. Ajusta tus escenas y fuentes o añade nuevas y asegúrate de que están perfectas antes que de tus espectadores puedan siquiera verlas.

Que novedades incluye la versión 26.0   See changelog


New Features and Additions

  • Windows: Added Virtual Camera, allowing you to use the OBS output as a camera in other apps on your computer. Support for other operating systems will be added in future versions when they're ready [Jim]
  • Added a Source Toolbar to allow easy access to relevant controls for the currently selected source. The toolbar can be toggled via the View Menu -> Source Toolbar [DDRBoxman/Jim/cg2121]
  • Added media controls to allow controlling playback of media/VLC sources on the source toolbar when a media source, VLC source, or slideshow source is selected [cg2121]
  • Added a new noise suppression method to the Noise Suppression filter, RNNoise, which is an AI-based noise suppression method with significantly better results for voice than the pre-existing method (Speex) [remjay]
  • Added the ability to take screenshots of the previews, sources, or scenes with hotkeys [cg2121]
  • Added a log viewer when going to the Help menu -> Logs -> View Log menu item [cg2121]
  • Added a percentage toggle checkbox to the volume controls in advanced audio properties [cg2121]
  • Added more audio capture support for BSD operating systems [khng300]
  • Added the option to disable antialiasing for text sources [Codex-]
  • Added a right-click context menu option to projectors to make a specific projector always on top of other windows [Bennik2000]


  • QSV Encoder: Improved performance when running OBS on an Intel GPU and simplified various options [brittneysclark]
  • The cursor will now change to reflect your action (dragging edges or sources) when editing items in the preview [WizardCM]
  • Improved the interface of transitions dock [cg2121]
  • Increased the update rate of the level meters in the audio mixer from 30Hz to 60Hz for improved smoothness and responsiveness [dodgepong]
  • Media sources using remote URLs will now automatically try to reconnect when disconnected [Yohox]
  • Added a "Defaults" button to the script dialog to reset script properties to defaults [cg2121]
  • Added a right-click context menu when clicking on scripts to allow opening the script file location or reloading specific scripts [WizardCM]
  • The auto-configuration dialog will now use standard/common resolutions when selecting what resolution you’d like to use [cg2121]
  • 709 is now the default YUV colorpsace
  • The VLC source’s playlist property can now be reordered by dragging and dropping items within it [cg2121]
  • Projectors associated with specific monitors will now be deleted when the monitor is disconnected from the system [cg2121]
  • You can now use slashes in the recording name format and prefix prefixes/suffixes to automatically create directories when recording or making replays [Jim]
  • Improved performance and accuracy of the LUT filter [jpark37]
  • The default audio sample rate is now 48khz instead of 44.1khz [e00E]
  • NVENC: Added a more friendly warning that will show up if you are using an outdated NVIDIA driver [notr1ch]
  • Windows: The program will now show a list of command line options in a dialog box if started with the --help or -h command line parameters [WizardCM]
  • macOS: Added support for several more virtual audio drivers to be selected as desktop audio capture devices in audio settings [pkv]
  • Image sources will no longer check for changes or try to load an image while hidden [notr1ch]
  • The minimum canvas resolution is now 8x8 to prevent issues where this could be rounded to zero causing OBS to fail to start [notr1ch]
  • The settings window can now be closed with the ESC key [Bennik2000]
  • macOS window capture no longer shows windows which aren't relevant to capture [timmiehaha]

Bug Fixes

  • Windows: Fixed an issue where loss of certain devices could cause a crash with window capture [jpark37]
  • Windows: Fixed a bug where an inactive UWP app (such as Calculator) could be selected for window capture, but would still fail to capture even after being unminimized [jpark37]
  • Windows: Fixed a flaw where capturing Chrome-based programs with Window Capture might fall back and capture other Chrome-based programs unintentionally [jpark37]
  • Windows: Fixed the auto updater always launching OBS as administrator after a successful update [notr1ch]
  • Windows: The auto updater now works correctly if the OBS user and administrator user are different accounts [notr1ch]
  • Linux: Fixed an issue where the browser source could crash when browsing files [cg2121]
  • Linux: Fixed an issue with “always on top” sometimes not working with projectors [cg2121]
  • Linux: Fixed an issue where cameras using V4L2 would not respond correctly to pan/tilt controls [ioangogo]
  • Linux: Fixed an issue where a user’s preferred language could not be detected correctly [khng300]
  • macOS: Fixed an issue where “always on top” windows would not always be on top [jtopper]
  • macOS: Fixed an issue where certain prompts didn’t have a default action for keyboard users [unknowndomain]
  • macOS: Fixed a memory leak which could cause a crash after extended use [jpark37]
  • macOS: Fixed an issue where resizing a multiview window could cause a crash [jpark37]
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the rename shortcut while editing a scene name would reset the edit state [RytoEX]
  • Fixed a bug where the system tray icon could appear even though it was disabled in settings [Programatic]
  • Fixed a bug where you could get two save confirmation dialogs in a row when exiting the filter/properties [Jim]
  • Fixed various bugs and stability issues with Vulkan capture [jpark37]
  • Fixed a bug where starting recording or the replay buffer could resize the main window [cg2121]
  • Fixed a bug where media sources hotkeys would not work correctly in Studio Mode’s preview [cg2121]
  • Fixed an issue that allowed “Paste (Duplicate)” for scene sources, resulting in strange bugs [exeldro]
  • Fixed an issue where the volume meters in the audio mixer would appear to be clipping when docks were moved [WizardCM]
  • Fixed an issue where the right edge of certain JPEG and movie files could be incorrectly rendered [jpark37]
  • Fixed an issue where groups would not be selected/deselected correctly [cg2121]
  • Fixed a hang that could occur when streaming with certain streaming services (caused by certain RTMP status values) [eric]
  • Fixed an issue where scene collections which used similar names with different symbols could overwrite one another [RytoEx]
  • Fixed a bug where CoreAudio audio encoder would not work with 4.0 audio correctly [pkv]
  • Fixed a crash when a hotkey to play/pause was used on a media source with an invalid or blank file [exeldro]
  • Fixed a bug where the “Start Streaming” button could become blank under certain circumstances [WizardCM]
  • Fixed a bug where a changed theme get stuck if the user exited the settings dialog with the [x] button rather than the OK/Cancel buttons [Jim]
  • Fixed a bug where filters would be deleted on sources that had their plugins removed [Jim]
  • Fixed a bug where hotkeys could repeat when held down [cg2121]
  • Fixed a bug where unnamed sources would show up in the hotkeys settings [Scrxtchy]
  • Fixed a bug where services wouldn't be ordered properly when showing all services [Jim]
  • Fixed an issue where the automatic scene switcher tool wouldn't detect some windows [adalessa]
  • Fixed a bug where the Stats dock would steal focus from the main window [Bennik2000]
  • Fixed a tearing issue for certain codecs (such as ProRes) when using FFmpeg output [ePirat]
  • Fixed a bug with the SRT output to make it compliant with ETR 290 Level 1 recommendations (rewrite of srt output) [pkv]
  • Fixed a bug where the last frame of a media source could be visible briefly when restarting playback [notr1ch]
  • Fixed a bug where you could not capture programs using executable names beginning with “time” [notr1ch]
  • Fixed a crash with certain AJA devices [Jim]
  • Fixed a memory leak when dragging and dropping stuff on to OBS to create sources [cg2121]
  • Fixed a memory leak and crash on shutdown when scenes were reordered [Programatic]
  • Fixed the script_path() script function causing memory corruption [PerHeed]
  • Fixed camera controls on Linux video devices not working [Nathan-Huckleberry]

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