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HekateBrew 0.7

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HekateBrew is a simple Nintendo Switch Homebrew for:

  • Launching Hekate configs described in hekate config file and ini directory.
    • (config logos are shown if they are defined as icon= in ini file)
  • Launching payloads from hekate payloads directory.
    • (payload logos are shown if they exist in payload folder with the same name and .bmp or .png extension)
  • Launching payloads from Argon-NX payloads directory.
    • (payload logos are shown if they exist in Argon-NX logos directory)

Extract HekateBrew zip release to the sd card root.

(Or, place HekateBrew.nro in switch directory and last Hekate payload, renamed payload.bin, inside switch\HekateBrew directory in your sd card)




  • switchbrew for the libnx project and switch-examples
  • devkitPro for the devkitA64 toolchain and libnx support
  • CTCaer for the continued hekate and storage in payload binary
  • XorTroll for Plutonium
  • SciresM for Atmosphere

by bemardev.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.7


  • Add the possibility to define a custom path for payload folder.
  • UI rewrite:
    • All Hekate configs are in a same layout
    • All payloads are in a same layout too.
    • Add settings file
    • Add settings UI to modify HekateBrew settings and Hekate configuration
    • Add File, List and Slider Dialogs for settings page

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