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Chiaki 2.0

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Chiaki is a Free and Open Source Software Client for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 Remote Play for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Android, macOS, Windows, Nintendo Switch and potentially even more platforms.


Everything necessary for a full streaming session, including the initial registration and wakeup of the console, is supported.


The following features however are yet to be implemented:

  • Congestion Control
  • H264 Error Concealment (FEC and active error recovery however are implemented)
  • Touchpad support (Triggering the Touchpad Button is currently possible by pressing T on the keyboard)
  • Configurable Keybindings

Created by Florian Märkl.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.02   See changelog


No hay lista de cambios disponible para esta versión.

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