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Nro2Nsp 3.3.6 beta 4

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This is an easy to use nsp builder that will make rediction nsps or internally built nsps out of nros


  • Devkitpro for Compiling libnx.
  • Keys.dat file added to the "Resources" folder -- refer to "keys.dat template" for layout and required keys
  • .NetFramework for win.
  • Mono for Mac or Linux.

Special notes:

  • To load Meta information from .nro automatically, load the .nro by clicking "romfs" and choose yes. This will automatically load all the information from the .nro. If you want to use sdmc then select "sdmc" after and use as normal -- may incorperate import button instead if requested
  • Requires Newest Devkitpro update due to changes, update before use
  • Some nros are not working with romfs (old tinfoil, dOPUS) use sdmc for those for now
  • Title ids now follow (05xxxxxxxxxx0000)
  • Mac and linux may experiance bugs or weird issues due to mono (First launch may take a while to load, be paitent / ui looks less pleasing as well)
  • Big Changes have been made in the code, Bugs maybe be present. If found please report them.
  • Linux use hasnt been tested fully, may experiance issues


  • Windows

  • Run Nro2Nsp.exe

  • Mac/Linux

  • open terminal.app

  • cd to folder ex: cd Desktop/Nro2Nsp

  • run "sudo mono --arch=32 ./Nro2Nsp.exe

  • Add you nsp details

    ex: AppName: TestApp Title Id: 05000F2300000000 *Must be 16 Characters long in hex form and start with 05
    Made by: Matt_Teix Version: 1.0.0

  • Import your icon by clicking the Icon box

  • You have two choices for paths

    sdmc: For loading an nro from an sd path Nsp does not contain the nro, it only points to it ex: sdmc: /switch/tinfoil/tinfoil.nro
    Please note that paths must be exact (case sensitive) and will throw a system error if theres no mathing .nro

    romfs: For building nro internally of thr nsp, pick your nro and it should do the rest Does not need tinfoil on the sd cardex: romfs: /tinfoil.nro

  • Click the compile Button

  • Wait for compiling to finsh

  • Your .Nsp should be good to go!


  • Custom Devkitpro Path: Set the path to your devkitpro path if installed in different locations than default
  • Preset Author: Set the default author, speed things up if using the same one
  • Rolling Title Id: Set the base Title Id and after each build it'll increase by 1
  • Perserve Data: Saves exefs, contol, and nca data in ./RawData folder
  • Old Style Title Id: Use old style title key format "05XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"


  • "Switchbrew" for the hblauncher.
  • "The-4n" for Hacbrewpack.
  • "alexzzz9" for the hblauncher source and providing useful help
  • "jakcron" for Nstool for extracting nro.
  • The Whole WarezNx Discord for all the tools/information to make all of this possible

Que novedades incluye la versión 3.3.6 beta 4


3.3.6 beta 4

  • Fixed error with keys with lowercase letters being flagged as invalid
  • Fixed unrelated error message being displayed in some cases
  • Fixed App crashing if no key files are found
  • Add new information to logs to help debug issues

3.3.6 beta 3

  • Added "logo" and "animation" paths to core.xml for use to automatically set logs per core platform
  • (Feature Request) Added Auto set logos in logo menu -- see above
  • (Feature Request) If "Preset Author" is set to "core" in the settings menu then author box will be set to selected
  • retroarch core platform


  • Recompiled for 9.0.0 (note nros forwarded to must be recompiled for 9.0.0 as well)
  • Added warning about romfs compatibility
  • Fixed "Keyfile" missing error
  • Fixed Nro data import repeating error messages
  • Updated hacpackbrew
  • Updated Nstool (requires visual studio C++ 2015)
  • Appears to have fixed could not start software error
  • Removed savedata allocation
  • Added gif size warning message if greater than 60kb
  • Added UnquailifiedApproval flag in ndpm (Thanks Liam)
  • Fixed KernalPermisson
  • Fixed rror due to file permissions
  • Adjusted npdm to prevent save data allocation
  • Started custom npdm/nacp creation framework (to be completed)
  • Refractoring

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