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NL Compressor 4.2

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Formerly GBA LZ77 decompressor, NL’s compressor has extensible support for several (at the moment only 2) compressions. Download includes Visual Studio Project template, which you can use to create custom compressions. Further instructions in the README. Requires Mono or .NET to be installed on your computer.

How to use:

First, you need to select a compression.
If you don't, you can't do anything with the compressor. Choose one of the dll files thaat come with the program.

Controls, UI, etc: Just read what it says in the UI.

Default values: If no offset or size is specified, the values are offset = 0 and size = the whole file.


  • Scan:  Scans the input file for potential compressed  data. Will find every instance in  the file. Offsets are outputted in text to the  specified outputfile. You can also specifie the area where to search with input info with input offset and size.
  • Decompress: Decompresses the data from specified offset for specified size and writes it to outputfile. If  outputfile doesn't exist, it will be created.  Output offset can also be specified.
  • Compress: Compresses data from specified area of input file. Writes it to specified output file offset. Doesn't use size for anything.
  • Lenght (compressed): Counts the lenght of the compressed data. Input offset is the location of the compressed data. Returns -1 if not compressed.
  • Lenght (decompressed): Counts the lenght of the decompressed data. Input offset is the location of the compressed data. Returns -1 if not compressed.
  • Decompressable: Checks if data can be decompressed. Input offset is the position of the data.

How to use compression template:

Copy the file MyCompressionTemplate.zip to folder ...\Visual Studio 2008\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#\ and use the template when creating a new project.  Fix the referance to Nintenlord's compression and you are ready. NOTE: Do not unzip the template.

Template created with Visual Studio 2008 Professional.

Use it and modify it as you wish, I'm not  responsible for consequenses. All money made with this program belongs to Nintenlord, though.


  • Nintenlord, making the utility.
  • Parasyte, for making GBADecomp which inspired me to do this program.
  • Fellow hackers of Fire Emblem Universe/Tactics Universe, from being awesome.
  • Everyone who uses this, for using it.

Que novedades incluye la versión 4.2


  • Added Lenght (decompressed) option.
  • Some bug fixes.

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