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Playstation to PocketStation Transfer Tool 2.0

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This tool will run on a Playstation from a CD.

It will allow you to upload any PocketStation Save file (.bin, .mcs or .gme) from the CD to your PocketStation inserted inside one of the Memory Card Slot.


How to Use it ?

The CD Root is the "ISOROOT" folder.
Put your save/rom files inside the "SAVE" folder.

Due to the Playstation CD file system limitation, Each file MUST NOT EXCEED 8 characters + 3 characters file extension !!

Run the "makelist.bat" file, this will create the list of files "FILELIST.TXT" that are in the "SAVE" folder.
Make a Playstation CD with all the files from the "ISOROOT" folder.
Boot this CD on your Playstation with your PocketStation inserted in the MemoryCard Slot.

How to create Playstation CD from those files ?

Get a Playstation ISO Maker, like "PSXISOMaker" or "psoneisomaker".
Start this tool and indicate the "ISOROOT" folder path as the CD ROOT directory.
Generate a CD ISO file and burn it on a CD at the lowest writing speed ! (x1 or x8)
Your Playstation must have a ModChip or use a BootCD in order to start this CD-R.

/!\ Warning /!\
Due to an unknown behavior of the common tools "PSXISOMaker" or "psoneisomaker",
you can't put more than 14 (or so) save files in the "SAVE" folder, the remaining files will not be accessible from my tool.
This might be due to incorrect ISO file format generation or restriction from the Playstation.
To overcome this problem, use the official PSX CD generation tool (Make a CTI File, Use BUILDCD & STRIPISO, then add the license sector.)

How to Use the tool on the Playstation ?

Use Left and Right Arrows to switch from Left and Right List.
Left List is the Files inside your PocketStation, Right List is the Files on the CD.
Use the Up and Down Arrows to select a File on both Lists.
You can Delete a File from your PocketStation by Using the "X" button from the Left List.
You can Copy a File from the CD to your PocketStation by Using the "O" button from the Right List.

-What are the file already present in the "SAVE" folder ?

These are sample PocketStation demos, game and tools made by me.
The already generated ISO File contains these and is ready to burn on a CD-R. psloader.bin/psloader.cue

by Orion_.

Que novedades incluye la versión 2.0


  • Better MC directory filename creation using authentic filename from GME or MCS header.
  • MCS file support. (This is a 128bytes MC directory frame, followed by the block data) I added this in order to use the authentic save filename from my homebrew games and tools.
  • Various changes and bug correction.
  • Addeds more demos & tools + an ISO ready to burn.

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