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SX Autoloader 1.40

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Thanks to our friends at Team [WAIN] they have released an small 'add-on' to our SX OS v2.9.2 which allows you to 'auto-load', what that means now you just find the game you have previously played on your Horizon Home Screen, click on it, and even if it is a dumped cartridge in XCI format, as long as you still have the files on your Micro SD-Card, it will now auto-mount the cartridge backup for you and launch it, no more getting upset seeing the 'insert the game card' message, then having to go to Album, launch our SX OS menu, scroll-over and find the game, and mount it and go back.

As long as you have at least mounted your XCI image once via our SX OS menu, now you can just simply click on a XCI Game Icon and it will Auto-Mount and Launch for you directly from the Horizon Home Screen. Is that not amazing! Only one small minor note about this release, is that it currently only scans your Micro SD-Card for the matching XCI game files, and support for USB HDD usage will be coming in a later revision.

This add-on mod is simple to install also, just download and unpack the .RAR to the root of your Micro SD-Card, and next time you boot-up your Switch console you will be able to enjoy the Quick and Ease of playing all your XCI games without any extra 'button' pushing, just click and wait 2 seconds or less at the 'Insert Game Card' screen as the system magically finds your backup cartridge and mounts it for you all in the background and then just enjoy playing!

by Team [WAIN].

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.40



  • Support for v10.0.x Switch Firmwares
  • Compatibly with v2.9.5 SX OS Beta


  • Support for v9.1.0 Switch Firmware
  • Compatibly with v2.9.3 SX OS Beta.


  • General overall stability fixes
  • Fixed bug with to many folders being searched
  • Fixed bug caused by layerfs
  • Fixed bug with long filenames
  • Hardware accelerated decryption
  • Cache directories created if missing

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