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Bluebomb 1.0.0

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Bluebomb is an exploit for Broadcom's Bluetooth stack used in the Nintendo Wii.

How do I run it?

You will need a Linux computer to do this!

  1. Download BlueZ.
  2. Extract it and run build it with ./configure --enable-deprecated && make (If you are using Ubuntu, you might need to install some needed packages with sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev libdbus-1-dev libudev-dev libical-dev libreadline-dev before this works)
  3. Enter the tools directory and run sudo systemctl disable --now bluetooth
  4. Run sudo ./btmgmt
  5. Run the following commands in the managment prompt select 0 info If you get an error about Invalid index then Linux can't find a Bluetooth device on your computer, if one real hardware make sure you have firmware for your bluetooth adapater, if in a VM make sure you have passed through the device. Assuming the above does not happen then you can continue. power on connectable on bondable on discov on info You should now look at the info results and check the current settings line for the following: powered connectable discoverable bondable br/edr If you don't have one of the above settings in your list, make sure you executed all the above commands. You can now exit out of the managment prompt.
  6. Run sudo ./hciconfig hci0 iac liac
  7. Run bluebomb with the arguments to the app-specific payload and the stage1 you would like to run. Ex. sudo ./bluebomb ./stage0/MINI_SM_NTSC.bin stage1.bin for a NTSC Wii Mini's System Menu. You can also specify which hci device to use with bluebomb by adding before the stage0 and stage1 arguments. Ex. sudo ./bluebomb 1 ./stage0/MINI_SM_NTSC.bin stage1.bin to use HCI1.
  8. Start you Wii and navigate to the app that you are exploiting, for the System Menu you only need to turn on the Wii, you can leave it sitting on the Health and Safety screen.
  9. Turn OFF your wiimote at this point, do not let anything be connected to the console via bluetooth.
  10. Make sure you console is close to your bluetooth adapater, you may have to move it closer to get it in range, this will depend on your adapater.
  11. Click the SYNC button on your console, you may have to click is several times in a row before it sees the computer. You will know it is connected when bluebomb prints "Got connection handle: #" Stop pushing the SYNC button and wait for bluebomb to run, what happens will depend on what stage1.bin you are using. The one from this repo will load boot.elf off the root of a FAT32 formatted usb drive and run it. You can use the HackMii Installer's boot.elf to get the Homebrew Channel.

IMPORTANT: The steps above will have disabled the bluetooth service on your machine to run the exploit. To enable the bluetooth service again run sudo systemctl enable --now bluetooth.

How do I build it?

  1. Run make in the main folder to generate bluebomb.
  2. Run make in the stage0 folder to generate the app-specific payloads.
  3. stage1.bin is not yet user buildable, this repo will be updated with instructions on how to build it when it is done.

How do I create an app-specific stage0?

You will need to locate several addresses in memory from the app, dolphin is very helpful here. Create a copy of one of the existing app lds files and name it something identifiying like GAMEID.lds Open up the app in dolphin and choose Symbols->Generate Symbols From->Signature Database. Locate the sdp_init, l2c_init, and process_l2cap_cmd functions (use the Filter Symbols field) Open up your app in some RE tool (ghidra works well). For sdp_init the first function call to memset the first argument is the sdp_cb address that you need. Next go to l2c_init and just like before the first function call is memset and the first argument is l2cb. The switch_address is slightly more complicated. Go to the process_l2cap_cmd function and find the switch statement. Right before the mtspr CTR,rx ; btr instructions there will be a lwzx rx, rx, rx instruction, if your RE tool knows the location of the switch addresses it might show it, if not you will have to track the registers and find the address list that this lwzx instruction is pulling from. Once you find the list, go to the last address in it, it should be right before a string "L2CAP HOLD CONTINUE", the address of this address in the list is what you want. Not the address of the code that the switch statement is jumping to. This address is your switch_address. Finally you need the switch_break address, this is address of the call to l2cu_reject_connection in case 2 of the switch statment from process_l2cap_cmd. There are two calls to it in case 2, you may use either one, simply get the address of the bl l2cu_reject_connection instruction and that is your switch_break.

After placing all these values into the lds file you can also choose a payload_addr. This field is where the stage1.bin will be read into when the exploit runs, you WILL have to adjust this to a memory region that isn't in use by your app when the exploit is running. If unsure you can try something like 512kb before the end of mem1 (0x81780000). Please note the addresse used in the System Menu lds files will not work for any other app, don't try to copy this address.

by Fullmetal5.

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