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PES 2020 Common Library 2020 for Sider 6

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This is not a traditional module that adds new content or does any switching. It is a utility library, containing some common pieces of code that are (for the moment) useful for Scoreboard Server, Ball Server and Referee Kit Server scripts.

Currently, it only has the code which checks if two teams selected in exhibition mode belong to the same league, so that e.g. their league's ball (or scoreboard or referee kit) can automatically be selected in exhibition match.

Important : Since this is a library, which is used by other scripts, it needs to be listed as the first lua.module entry, so that it gets initialized before other "normal" scripts do!

How to Use:

  • Install Sider 6 
  • Unpack with WinRAR and copy the contents of the unpacked modules folder into modules folder of your sider (overwrite if asked).
  • Open sider.ini Add lua.module = "lib\CommonLib.lua" as the first lua.module entry (above all others) in sider.ini file.


  • Save it and done.

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