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PES 2020 Bootpack by Ziyech (PC) v1

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  • Includes 100 boots available in Edit Mode and 3 in Hidden Mode
  • All boots are converted to PES 2020 format

NOTE: To use this Bootpack correctly, turn off live update.

NOTE 2: This is an AIO Pack. Remove other bootpacks to avoid conflicts.

CPK Version

  • Extract with WinRAR
  • Copy CPK File to
    • \Steam\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020\download\
  • Generate with PES 2020 DpFileList Generator and done !

Sider Version 

  • Install Sider 6
  • If the file is CPK format, unpack with CRI Packed File Maker
  • Copy or Move extracted cpk file inside livecpk folder
  • Open sider.ini with notepad and add new line like this cpk.root = ".\livecpk\foldername" for example.
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\foldername"
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\ball-root"
  • Save side.ini, now run sider.exe and open PES 2020 via Steam.

eFootball PES 2020 - Bootpack V1 0-9 screenshot.pngeFootball PES 2020 - Bootpack V1 0-14 screenshot.pngeFootball PES 2020 - Bootpack V1 0-16 screenshot.png

by Ziyech.

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