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Evo Editor (PES 2020 PC) 0.3 Beta

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This tool modify the pc database of PES 2020 PC.


  • Edit Players(names/stats/motion etc...)


  • Compatible with full DB
  • Fix hidden taskbar when tool is fullscreen
  • Fix missing "schwa" in special chars
  • Add boots & gloves previews NEW !
  • Enable national team caps & market value NEW !
  • Enable import/export player (only pes2020 for now) NEW !
  • Enable editing player ID NEW !

To Do List :

  • Assign players per team ✗
  • Transfers players between team ✗
  • Create Player to DB ✗
  • Import/Export players ✓
  • Enable editing "NATIONAL TEAM CAPS" and "MARKET VALUE" ✓
  • Enable boots & gloves relink ✓


How to use correctly the tool?

before doing anything make backup for your files !

Default Database:

  1. Open the tool and open the folder "pesdb" in "Files\CPK\common\etc"
  2. Wait for tool to load files
  3. Click player button
  4. Choose player and do your modifications
  5. Save player by clicking "APPLY"

Modified Database:

  1. Export your modified ".bin" files and put them in "Files\CPK\common\etc\pesdb"
    • Note : Some bins not in that path like : PlayerAppearnce.bin/Bootlist.bin/GloveList.bin.
  2. Make sure u UNZLIBED ".bin" files !
  3. Do the "Default Database" steps !


  • Do not click other buttons only "PLAYERS" for now!
  • Always check for zlibbed files that you need to unzlib
  • Use only minifaces from pes 2019 cause pes 2020 ones can't read for now or u just update the 2020 ones with new dds similair to pes 2019 ones !

To Do List:

  • Assign players per team ✗
  • Transfers players between team ✗
  • Import/Export players ✗
  • Enable editing "NATIONAL TEAM CAPS" and "MARKET VALUE" ✗
  • Enable boots & gloves relink ✓

Tool Tips

  • The tool Support special chars in player names
  • You can import miniface for player that did not have one
  • Don't missing any editing things that are related like if you add "LOAN FROM CLUB ID" you need to add "LOAN EXPIRY DATE" too etc...
  • For date fields use this "day/month/year"
  • You can see your ".bin" logs in "Settings" folder
  • After finishing editing you just repack folder "CPK" into ".cpk" file and link it to game to see modifications
  • This tool edit the database so if you have Edit.bin and want to see modifications DELETE IT !
  • The tool support full screen or window mode

by MFZ69.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.2 Beta   See changelog


No hay lista de cambios disponible para esta versión.

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