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JsTypeHax 5.5.2

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It loads WiiU Homebrew Launcher, I successfully haxchied a 5.5.2 ;)

Currently in beta test, you can follow this guide to use it:

Prepare the needed files

Prepare your FAT32 SD card with Homebrew launcher, and preferably Haxchi installer to get a persistent and more stable entry point for homebrew.Extract the homebrew launcher 1.4 on your SD card. 


  • If you plan to install Haxchi, be sure you already have a compatible NDS game installed on NAND.
  • Prepare any other homebrew you want to use, for example Homebrew App Store.

Find a web host or create your own

  • Visit a website hosting it, like http://dlae.life/, http://wiiu.insanenutter.com, http://www.wiiubru.com/x or http://u.drg.li/
  • or host the sources on your computer.
  • If it's on your computer, you need python installed, and launch "startServer.bat" on windows, or use any other webserver you want.

Run the browser hack on WiiU

  • Clear your browser's data, launch the browser again.
  • Open the server's URL in your browser, or your computer's IP if you are hosting it yourself.
  • select Exploit
  • If it freezes, shutdown and try this step again. It can be quick if you are lucky, or taking hours of retries...
  • If it works, use that opportunity to install haxchi, it will be more stable.

Note: As it is still in beta test phase, http://u.drg.li/ is hosting different versions of that exploit. You should prefer it over other currently available web hosts, and select exploits from delta 0 to 4 until one works (2 seems to be the one is working the most).

If your screen goes grey-white but your console freezes, that's the correct delta, so keep trying that exploit number.

by JmpCallPoo.

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