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WiiU Homebrew Launcher 1.4

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The Homebrew Launcher is a WiiU homebrew that lists homebrew applications located on a SD card and permits launching them (similar to the Homebrew Channel of the Wii).


To use the Homebrew Launcher (or HBL, for short) you must copy homebrew_launcher.elf into SD:/wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf, and run the installer throught your WiiU browser.

The apps that will be listed are should be in the following path /wiiu/apps/homebrew_name/some_elf_name.elf on the root of the SD card. A meta.xml and an icon.png (256x96) are optional. Here is an example:

  • sd:/
    • wiiu/
      • apps/
      • homebrew_launcher/
        • homebrew_launcher.elf
        • meta.xml
        • icon.png
      • loadiine_gx2/
        • loadiine_gx2.elf
        • meta.xml
        • icon.png
      • ddd/
        • ddd.elf
        • meta.xml
        • icon.png
      • ftpiiu/
        • ftpiiu.elf
        • meta.xml
        • icon.png

by dimok789.

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