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Hack360 4.1

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This pack is for automatically extract and modify Xbox 360 Drive’s firmware t oread backups. This pack is for use only with Samsung drives. The pack does not contain any illegal firmware.

The process is making using extracted firmware. Keys are created including Original DVD-Key. PPF files are used to make the necessary firmware modifications to boot the backup.

What’s new on Hack360 4.1?:

  • Xtreme 4.1A (Full speed by default) and 4.1B (Low speed by default) firmwares added
  • Some little changes to fix some computers incompatibilities
  • Easy-to-use file installer, capable to easy update old firmware versions.


It’s neccesary to disasamble the console, once open , Samsung drive must be connnected to the PC using Serial ATA cable. It’s necessary that PC haves a Serial ATA controller, perhaps some PCI controllers would work but more problems would  apppear detecting Xbox 360’s drive.

Depending on Motherboard’s chipset a Mtkflash version must be selected. If  your motherboard does not have a compatible chipset with versions included in Hack360 you can incluye this version of Mktflash (if  its exists for your board) in "\MTKFLASH"  folder of your diskette or pendrive. Original version is used by default. If chipset is not recognized Bios Agent  program can be used. With only selecting "Get File Info" chipset information and other motherboard’s features will appear. This program is used to have a referente because some chipset are not detected or are detected with another name.


Unzip hack360 pack to hard drive

USB Boot:

To make the pendrive boot it’s necessary that the motherboard allows USB boot and it is selected as the primary boot device.

Format pendrive with HP Usb Disk Storage Format Tool and select  the option to find files in Boot [USB] folder

Diskette Boot :

First of all it’s recommended to check for the Diskette to does not contain any defective or bad sectors. Once formatted go to Start , select Execute , write CMD and press enter. Once in system symbol write CHKDSK.

This is what it’s suppose to show if all is allright: 

1.457.664 bytes of total disk space. 
1.457.664 bytes free on disk.

If bad sectors appear, use another diskette. 

Once diskette has been formatted and bad sectors has been checked you must write the image with NetBSD Disk Image Tool  program.

Once the boot has been created , execute "instalar.bat" file and select option number 2 to copy files to diskette or pendrive. 


Turning off , hard drives , optic drives and all IDE or SATA (except xbox 360’s drive) devices is recommended to avoid any conflicts.

All process is making using MS-Dos but the inclusion of a little menu is very easy to use. Befote executing it will inform of the process to cancel it if necessary. Basically there are only 2 steps to do:

1º - Extract original firmware of  Xbox 360’s drive
2º - Select Modify Firmware and then select the desired firmware to install.

I want to be specially thankfull with people of: Xboxhacker.net, xboxers360.net, foros360.com y Elotrolado.net for al the info supplied.

by Flash78.

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