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mGBA for Wii 0.8.0

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mGBA is an emulator for running Game Boy Advance games. It aims to be faster and more accurate than many existing Game Boy Advance emulators, as well as adding features that other emulators lack. It also supports Game Boy and Game Boy Color games.


  • - Highly accurate Game Boy Advance hardware support[<sup>[1]</sup>](#missing).
  • - Game Boy/Game Boy Color hardware support.
  • - Fast emulation. Known to run at full speed even on low end hardware, such as netbooks.
  • - Qt and SDL ports for a heavy-weight and a light-weight frontend.
  • - Local (same computer) link cable support.
  • - Save type detection, even for flash memory size[<sup>[2]</sup>](#flashdetect).
  • - Support for cartridges with motion sensors and rumble (only usable with game controllers).
  • - Real-time clock support, even without configuration.
  • - Solar sensor support for Boktai games.
  • - Game Boy Camera and Game Boy Printer support.
  • - A built-in BIOS implementation, and ability to load external BIOS files.
  • - Turbo/fast-forward support by holding Tab.
  • - Rewind by holding Backquote.
  • - Frameskip, configurable up to 10.
  • - Screenshot support.
  • - Cheat code support.
  • - 9 savestate slots. Savestates are also viewable as screenshots.
  • - Video and GIF recording.
  • - Remappable controls for both keyboards and gamepads.
  • - Loading from ZIP and 7z files.
  • - IPS, UPS and BPS patch support.
  • - Game debugging via a command-line interface and GDB remote support, compatible with IDA Pro.
  • - Configurable emulation rewinding.
  • - Support for loading and exporting GameShark and Action Replay snapshots.
  • - Cores available for RetroArch/Libretro and OpenEmu.
  • - Many, many smaller things.

#### Game Boy mappers

The following mappers are fully supported:

- MBC1
- MBC2
- MBC3
- MBC5
- MBC5+Rumble
- MBC7

The following mappers are partially supported:

- MBC6
- MMM01
- Pocket Cam
- HuC-1
- HuC-3

### Planned features

- Networked multiplayer link cable support.
- Dolphin/JOY bus link cable support.
- M4A audio mixing, for higher quality sound than hardware.
- Re-recording support for tool-assist runs.
- Lua support for scripting.
- A comprehensive debug suite.
- e-Reader support.
- Wireless adapter support.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.7.3   See changelog


Emulation fixes:

  • GB: Fix savedata initialization (fixes #1478, #1478)
  • GB: Fix SGB controller incrementing (fixes #1104)
  • GB Audio: Improve channel 4 supersampling
  • GB Printer: Reset printer buffer index after printing
  • GB Audio: Deschedule channel 3 when disabled (fixes #1463)
  • GB Audio: Deschedule channel 1 when disabled by sweep (fixes #1467)
  • GB Video: Increment BCPS/OCPS even in mode 3 (fixes #1462)
  • GBA Memory: Fix STM to VRAM (fixes #1430)
  • GBA Memory: Fix STM/LDM to invalid VRAM
  • GBA Video: Fix wrapped sprite mosaic clamping (fixes #1432)
  • GBA Audio: Fix channel 4 aliasing (fixes #1265)

Other fixes:

  • Core: Fix crashes if core directories aren’t set
  • Core: Fix crash when exiting game with cheats loaded
  • GBA: Set up GPIO mapping on null and ELF ROM regions (fixes #1481)
  • GBA Cheats: Fix PARv3 Thumb hooks
  • GBA Cheats: Fix value incrementing in CB slide codes (fixes #1501)
  • Qt: Fix FPS target maxing out at 59.727 (fixes #1421)
  • Qt: Cap audio buffer size to 8192 (fixes #1433)
  • Qt: Fix race conditions initializing GDB stub
  • Qt: Improve cheat view UX
  • Libretro: Fix crash changing allowing opposing directions (hhromic)
  • mGUI: Fix crash if last loaded ROM directory disappears (fixes #1466)
  • Switch: Fix threading-related crash on second launch


  • Qt: Make mute menu option also toggle fast-forward mute (fixes #1424)
  • Qt: Show error message if file failed to load

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