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VitaTweakBox 2.0.6

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Clon de VitaShell creado por BenMitnicK.


  • Reorganization of directories for more cleanliness
  • VTB now uses the random wallpaper always at Maximum of 20 to put in the directory vtb (wallpaper.png, wallpaper2.png) etc ...
  • VitaShell now uses only 1 background image (bg_browser.png) but keeps the filter_wallpaper.png filter to put in the vitashell directory of your theme
  • The param.ini file has been moved to the VTB directory
  • The colors have been separated into 2 files for clarity. colors.ini of VitaShell in its respective repertoire and colors.ini of VTB and its Tweaks in the vtb directory
  • Beug corrected theme selector it should work properly now
  • Adding missing colors of VitaShell in colors.ini
  • Added the preview.png of the chosen theme in SplashScreen with fade effect
  • Adding changelog to the changeinfo directory of the VitaTweakBox root directory
  • Added Tweak Book with 20 Max books and 100 Max images / Books (The archive is not yet supported)
  • VTB themes are Max 16 which is sufficient
  • Adding Touch Support
  • Manual updated

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