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Nut Server 2.6

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NUT is a program that runs on your PC and serves NSP/NSZ/XCI/XCZ to Tinfoil over USB or network for easy USB or network installs with Tinfoil.

USB Install for Tinfoil

Run python nut.py after installing the required pip modules or Windows users can use the precompiled nut.exe in the release section.

Follow the directions found in the release page to install the USB driver.

After you run the server, ensure NSP's are visible in the list. If they are not, change the path and click the "scan" button.

Connect your USB cable from your switch to your PC.

Start Tinfoil, and all of the NSP's listed in nut server should now be available to install in Tinfoil.

Headless server: python nut.py --usb



  • Download nut
  • Install Python 3.6+
  • Install the following modules via pip:
  • pip3 install colorama pyopenssl requests tqdm unidecode Pillow BeautifulSoup4 urllib3 Flask pyusb pyqt5
  • Configure nut.conf (see below)
  • Run python3 nut.py --help to understand options


  • If you are comfortable with git and also want updated metadata for your own purposes (Tinfoil updates itself automatically), you can use git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/blawar/nut.git

NUT Server Install for Tinfoil

Run server.py or Windows users can use the precompiled nut.exe in the release section.

After you run the server, ensure NSP's are visible in the list. If they are not, change the path and click the "scan" button.

Start Tinfoil, then go to locations, then select "Add New" location. Enter the ip, port, username, and password that is displayed in the nut server application, then press save.

All of the NSP's listed in nut server should now be available to install in Tinfoil.

by blawar.

Que novedades incluye la versión 2.6



  • Changed gdrive api permissions from read only to full so tinfoil can write to the gdrive.


  • Fixed network installs failing

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