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PS3 Game Updater 1.4.1

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Game patch finding application for PS3 games.

version 1.41

  • + Added "Collapse/Expand" button to expand all updates.
  • + Downloading an update will also show progress in the game column itself, so no need to expand it
  • + Added new file format for saving updates: "GAMEID - GAMENAME - VERSION.pkg"
  • + Fixed the bug of update links not exported correctly
  • + Stability fixes

Note: Application tested on:

  • Windows XP 32Bit + .NET 3.0 installed
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit + .NET 3.0 installed
  • Windows Vista 32Bit Home Premium

without any errors. If you spot an error, please provide more info on when exactly it crashes, your OS and .NET version.

Version 1.4

  • + Fixed that dreadful crash when pressing the "Get Games List" button.
  • + Added FTP PSN Support (FTP function will now show updates for PSN games as well).
  • + Want to download the updates using your favorite download manager? Now you can have the option to export game updates links to a text file :)
  • + Added a new column - "Fat32 Compatible". Basically checkes for files larger than 4GB (Disabled by default, enable in settings window).
  • + By popular request, Now you choose between "," ";" or "[TAB]" delimieter for csv export (Settings window)

Version 1.3

  • + Major changes to the results grid.
  • + You can now download all updates of a game, instead of the latest one!
  • + Added downloading updates by game id (choose "Search Game ID" from the "Import From" menu)
  • + Optimized the ftp lookup. Should be about 20 times faster now.
  • + Added a new option in Settings: you can now choose to save the update file in its ogirinal file name, or save it as "[GAMENAME] - Version [VERSION].pkg]" for easier
  • location and update ordering.
  • + Added a "Donate" option in the menu. Please do :)

Version 1.2
+ Added exporting list to csv file.

+ Fully already downloaded updated will be skipped.

+ Added FTP scan support (Experimental). Switch to "PS3 FTP" from the menu. The application will scan the directory of your choice for the games installed, and return a list, just like HDD scan. To edit locations of the games folder, edit the settings.ini. Edit "FTPLocations" parameter, each location seperated by a ",". Updates downloaded through FTP scan will be saved under the "PS3 Game Updater Updates (FTP Scan)" in the aplication directory.

* Note: this process could take a while, depending on the amount of sub-directories of your games directory.

+ Added shortcuts:
F1 - About
F2 - Settings
Ctrl+Shift+S - Export as csv

+ minor and not-so-minor bug fixes.

Version 1.11
+ Enabled X button to close the appication.

Version 1.1
+ Added "Settings" and "About" windows. 
Use the "Settings" window to save your last used folder, open folder after downloading all updates, and determine whether to save the updates into 1 big folder, or put each update in its game folder.

+ Table now shows the actualy game path as well.

+ Select/Deselect all checkbox added.

+ Added Download speed indicator.

+ Downloading now shows the version of the donwloaded update.

+ Minor GUI improvements.

Version 1.0
First release, only scans folder and shows details. Previously called "PS3 Game Detector".

Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

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