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GE Patch Plugin 0.2

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This is an experimental plugin for Adrenaline that allows you to play a few games in native resolution.


Before you start make sure that you have

  • Adrenaline 7 or higher.
    • The option Recovery Menu->Advanced->Advanced configuration->Force high memory layout DISABLED.
    • All plugins in ux0:pspemu/seplugins/game.txt and ux0:pspemu/seplugins/vsh.txt disabled (you can gradually enable them if you think they should not interfere with GePatch. Please be aware that plugins that print stuff to the screen may not be visible with GePatch since the framebuffer is redirected.
  • Download ge_patch.prx and copy it to ux0:pspemu/seplugins/.
  • Write this line to ux0:pspemu/seplugins/game.txt (ux0:pspemu is mounted as ms0: in the PSP emu):
ms0:/seplugins/ge_patch.prx 1

You can also do the same change in file ux0:pspemu/seplugins/vsh.txt to get a XMB in higher resolution, but be aware that the VSH menu will be invisible.


Known Issues

Some games may:

  • Not display cutscenes.
  • Have a black screen.
  • Not display all textures.
  • Contain clipping/culling.

by TheOfficialFloW.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.2


  • Added ability to skip GE patches by holding L while starting a game.
  • Changed framebuffer copy algorithm.
  • Changed behavior of sync opcode.
  • Disabled forced dithering again.

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