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ds3vita 0.3

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Enable the plugin:

  • Add ds3vita.skprx to taiHEN's config (ux0:/tai/config.txt):
  • You need to refresh the config.txt by rebooting or through VitaShell.

Pairing the controller:

  • Download this tool (or this other one if you want to compile it yourself)
  • Connect your DS3 to the PC and open the tool
  • Introduce the Vita's MAC address plus 1 to the tool (Settings -> System -> System information)

Using it once paired (see above):

  • Just press the PS button and it will connect to the Vita
  • Note: If you use Mai, don't put the plugin inside ux0:/plugins because Mai will load all stuff you put in there...

by xerpi.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.3


  • Compress the self to make it compatible with Ensō.

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