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OBH Anthem Pack (PES 2020 PC) 2.0

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This is the 2020 version of my 2019 anthem pack.

I've taken genuine fans singing chants (where possible) and turned them into anthems for PES.

They start off quieter when the team is in the tunnel and then raise in volume when the players walk out onto the pitch.

There is also an additional file to remove Konami's vanilla anthems.

Currently Completed Anthems

  • Premier League:
    • Missing only Sheffield United & Leicester.
  • Bundesliga:
    • All anthems included
  • Serie A:
    • Juventus, Roma, Inter, Milan
  • Eredivisie
    • Ajax
  • SPL
    • Celtic, Rangers
  • La Liga
    • Barcelona, Real Madrid, Athletico Madrid, Real Betis
  • Ligue 1
    • PSG, Marseille

Patch Notes

  • v2.0
    • New Bayern Munich Anthem added
    • Dortmund anthem corrected
    • Smoke Patch compatibility added
    • Volume levels corrected across all leagues
  • v1.01
    • Liverpool's YNWA volume was really quiet. This is now fixed.
    • Bournemouth was also very, very quiet.
    • Norwich & Brighton have now been added

Things to note:

I've gone through each team to make sure it all works okay, but you may find some teams where the audio doesn't line up exactly, or it is too loud. If any anthem is way, way off, then please let me know here, if you just believe the volume is a tad too quiet or too loud, then you can go into the lua yourself and make changes to whatever you prefer.

Some anthems were not starting until after the tunnel scene. I think I’ve found them all, but should you find a team that isn’t starting in the tunnel, let me know.

There are also little details that I need to fix at a later date, such as the anthem will not stop until the game kicks-off, or you hit the pause menu. I plan to shorten all the anthems but that's not high on the to-do-list at the moment.


  • Install the latest version of Sider (@juce is the man! ?)
  • Download the files
  • Extract them into your PES directory
  • Open up sider.ini and add the following lines:
    • cpk.root = ".\livecpk\Vanilla Anthem Killer"
    • lua.module = "Team_Anthems.lua"
  • Disable any conflicting anthems using the instructions above
  • Enjoy!


  • What other Mods are you using in these videos?
    • EvoWeb patch by @Cesc Fabregas
    • Crowd chants & tournament anthems by @predator002
    • Scoreboards by @zlac
    • Frostbite turf by @Makidan14
  • Will there be a cpk version?
    • No, Sider must be used to manipulate the audio in PES
  • Can I use these clips in my pack?
    • No, sorry, because this pack will continue to be updated
  • Will you release a file that disables the anthems for 'xxx' mod?
    • No. I've written a very, very detailed tutorial above on how to disable the required files yourself. I won't release a file that already has the changes made to it because 1) they are not my mods, and 2) the authors may update them, which means I'd have to release a new one every time.


If it isn't working I'm more than happy to help you out, but please give me as much information as possible so that I, or any other member here, can help pinpoint the problem for you. A few things I need to know are below, but the more info you can give, the better.

  • Is Sider up to date?
  • Is the mod installed correctly?
  • Do you have any other mods that also add a Man United anthem? (Many other audio mods also include one or two anthems)
  • Is it just United with the problem? Are all the other teams' anthems playing correctly?
  • Is the anthem not paying at all? Or beginning really late? Or starting early?
  • Are you playing an exhibition, ML, cup game? Does it play in any of the modes or in none of them?
  • Have you disabled all other mods except this to see if there's a conflict?

by OBH.

Que novedades incluye la versión 2.0   See changelog


No hay lista de cambios disponible para esta versión.

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