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Noboru 0.89

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Noboru es una aplicación para PS Vita que nos permite leer cómodamente mangas y comics.


  • Cómo mínimo 10-20 megas de memoria,para lecturas online, o más para lecturas offline.

Data structure:

ux0:data/noboru/cache/ - folder that holds cached manga info (also history)
ux0:data/noboru/chapters/ - folder that holds chapters saved
ux0:data/noboru/parsers/ - folder for parsers
ux0:data/noboru/save.dat - library savefile
ux0:data/noboru/c.c - saved chapters info
ux0:data/noboru/settings.ini - application settings

You can simply delete noboru folder to reset all settings


  • Browsing manga sites
  • Searchinge
  • Reading manga (with Vertical or Horizontal mode!)
  • MultiTouch, Swipes and other touch things
  • Adding manga to library
  • Loading longpages (webmanga) without downscaling (thanks to my piclib)
  • Multilanguage
  • Reading without network (Offline mode !!Don't forget to add manga in library!! (you can also check History tab))


  • Caching info about last readed chapters (to make continue function)
  • More languages
  • Add option to cache images of current reading chapter (it will boost loading of pages you suddenly skipped)
  • Transform &#XXXX; to unicode symbols



  • Rinnegatamante - LuaPlayerPlus_Vita
  • VitaSDK - vitaSDK
  • xerpi - libvita2d

by Crekeryop.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.89


  • Se corrigió un error para descargar la página cuando el montaje es uma0
  • Traducción polaca actualizada. Gracias a @ tof4

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