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Brosexec with SD2SP2 support 0.1

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SD2SP2 support added by NiHuShu
It might take a while for it to load because it checks for both memcard slots.

Original Readme.txt:
Brosexec 0.1 by suloku '15

This is a simple dol that will load autoexec.dol from the root of a SD card in a SDGecko adapter. It's main purpose is to be used with the Home Bros. Exploit, as a way to boot homebrew on unmodified consoles. One of its goals is to keep used space in the memory card as low as possible.

Uses libfat 10.0.14 and thus supports FAT32 and SDHC.

Currently the needed space is 11 blocks on the memory card.

suloku 15'

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