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JoyToKey 6.3

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JoyToKey (or Joy2Key) enables PC game controllers to emulate the keyboard and mouse input, so that windows applications and web games can be controlled with your favorite joysticks! Whenever buttons and sticks are pressed on the controllers, JoyToKey converts them into keyboard strokes and/or mouse movements so that the target application will work as if a real keyboard and a mouse were used.

Version 6.3 includes the following changes:

  • To be more friendly for new users,
    • JoyToKey is packaged and distributed with an installer, instead of a ZIP file format
    • Tab names in the button assignment window are made clearer (e.g. "Keyboard 2" -> "Keyboard (Multi)")
    • UI layout for assigning the mouse cursor movement is made simpler
  • User configuration data will be by default stored in "JoyToKey" folder in user's "Documents" folder.
    • In case you upgrade JoyToKey from an older version, please copy (or move) the old "JoyToKey" folder into your "Documents" folder so that you can continue to access your configuration data.
  • Minor bug fixes

Besides, following changes are included in recent releases:

  • Support up to max 50 joysticks (previously 32 joysticks)
  • Support up to max 128 buttons (previously 32 buttons)
  • Enhanced an execution of an external program to be able to
    • pass command parameters
    • specify the starting working directory
  • In case JoyToKey is started when no controller is connected, JoyToKey tries to automatically detect devices until one controller is connected. From this version, users can change this behaviour such that JoyToKey continues the auto detection until two controllers are connected, or completely disable this auto detection feature. For more details, please refer to this page.
  • Single click a task tray icon to refresh joystick connections
  • When you connect a new joystick to the PC, you can just click the task tray icon to get it recognized (either left click or right click).
  • Supported multiple screens for the absolute movement of a mouse cursor.
  • Supported additional key-code emulations such as the volume control (up / down / mute), media control (prev / next / play / stop), and SCROLL_LOCK key.
  • Changed the default key emulation code for arrow keys, R-Alt and R-Ctrl, to fix some compatibility issue with recent Windows 10. In case it causes a problem for certain old games and you want to use the old key code, in the button assignment window, please select an equivalent key (from right-click menu) which is labeled as "for DirectInput".
  • Ability to re-process the key emulation event when the same key continues during the processing of Input1-Input4 sequence (Keyboard 2).
    • By default, when processing the sequence of key emulation through Input1 to Input4, if the same key assignment continues, it's emulated only once. This behaviour can be changed from "Options" tab by enabling the following checkbox: "Re-process when the same key continues in sequence"


System Requirement

Operating System: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP.

by JKSoft.

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