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OptiFine HD 1.14.4

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OptiFine is a Minecraft optimization mod.

It allows Minecraft to run faster and look better with full support for HD textures and many configuration options.


  • FPS boost
    • doubling the FPS is common
    • decreases lag spikes and smooths gameplay
  • Support for HD Textures (info)
    • HD textures and HD fonts (MCPatcher not needed)
    • custom terrain and item textures
    • animated terrain and item textures
    • custom HD Font character widths
    • custom colors
    • custom block color palettes
    • custom lighting
    • unlimited texture size
  • Support for Shaders (info)
    • based on the Shaders Mod by Karyonix
  • Dynamic Lights
    • allows handheld and dropped light emitting items to illuminate the objects around them
    • similar, but not related to the Dynamic Lights mod
  • Variable Render Distance (example)
    • from Tiny to Extreme (2 x Far) in 16m steps
    • sun, moon and stars are visible in Tiny and Short distance
  • Configurable Smooth Lighting (examples)
    • from 1% - smooth lighting without shadows
    • to 100% - smooth lighting with full shadows
  • Performance: VSync
  • Synchronizes framerate with monitor refresh rate to remove split frames and smooth gameplay
  • Smart Advanced OpenGL
    • more efficient, less artifacts
    • Fast - faster, some artifacts still visible
    • Fancy - slower, avoids visual artifacts
  • Fog control
    • Fog: Fancy, Fast, OFF
    • Fog start: Near, Far
  • Mipmaps (examples)
    • Visual effect which makes distant objects look better by smoothing the texture details
    • Mipmap level - OFF, 1, 2, 3, Max
    • Mipmap type - Nearest, Linear
  • Anisotropic Filtering (examples)
    • Restores details in mipmapped textures
    • AF level - OFF, 2, 4, 8, 16 (depends on hardware support)
  • Antialiasing (examples)
    • Smooths jagged lines and sharp color transitions
    • AA level - OFF, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 (depends on hardware support)
  • Better Grass
  • Fixes grass blocks side texture to match surrounding grass terrain
  • Better Snow (examples, credit)
  • Fixes transparent blocks textures to match surrounding snow terrain
  • Clear Water (examples)
  • Clear, transparent water with good visibility underwater
  • Random Mobs
  • Use random mob textures if available in the texture pack
  • Connected Textures (examples)
  • Connects textures for glass, glass panes, sandstone and bookshelf blocks which are next to each other.
  • Natural Textures (examples, idea)
  • Removes the gridlike pattern created by repeating blocks of the same type. Uses rotated and flipped variants of the base block texture.
  • FPS control
    • Smooth FPS - stabilizes FPS by flushing the graphics driver buffers (examples)
    • Smooth Input - fixes stuck keys, slow input and sound lag by setting correct thread priorities
  • Chunk Loading Control
    • Load Far - loads the world chunks at distance Far, allows fast render distance switching
    • Preloaded Chunks - defines an area in which no new chunks will be loaded
    • Chunk Updates per Frame - allows for faster world loading
    • Dynamic Updates - loads more chunks per frame when the player is standing still
  • Configurable Details
    • Clouds - Default, Fast, Fancy
    • Cloud Height - from 0% to 100%
    • Trees - Default, Fast, Fancy
    • Grass - Default, Fast, Fancy
    • Water - Default, Fast, Fancy
    • Rain and Snow - Default, Fast, Fancy
    • Sky - ON, OFF
    • Stars - ON, OFF
    • Sun & Moon - ON, OFF
    • Depth Fog - ON, OFF
    • Weather - ON, OFF
    • Swamp Colors - ON, OFF
    • Smooth Biomes - ON, OFF
    • Custom Fonts - ON, OFF
    • Custom Colors - ON, OFF
    • Show Capes - ON, OFF (supports HD capes)
  • Configurable animations
    • Water Animated - OFF, Dynamic, ON
    • Lava Animated - OFF, Dynamic, ON
    • Fire Animated - OFF, ON
    • Portal Animated - OFF, ON
    • Redstone Animated - OFF, ON
    • Explosion Animated - OFF, ON
    • Flame Animated - OFF, ON
    • Smoke Animated - OFF, ON
    • Void Particles - OFF, ON
    • Water Particles - OFF, ON
    • Rain Splash - OFF, ON
    • Portal Particles - OFF, ON
    • Dripping Water/Lava - OFF, ON
    • Terrain Animated - OFF, ON
    • Items Animated - OFF, ON
  • Fast Texturepack Switching
  • Switch the current Texturepack without leaving the world
  • Fullscreen Resolution
  • Configurable fullscreen resolution
  • Debug
    • Fast Debug Info - removes lagometer from debug screen
    • Debug Profiler - removes profiler from debug screen
  • Time Control
  • Default, Day Only or Night Only - works in only in Creative mode
  • Autosave
    • Configurable Autosave interval
    • A fix for the famous Lag Spike of Death

by Project A.S.

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