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Vita Moonlight 0.90

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This is a vita port of Moonlight Embedded. Moonlight is an open source implementation of NVIDIA GameStream.

by xyzz.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.90


  • Expose local audio setting to the end user (#173)
  • Remember the currently connected address (7998108)
  • Add a 21:9 resolution (1280x540) to Settings (f1eb931)
  • Properly display stream in the correct display ratio, and place in the middle of the screen (14e3a2c)
  • Since GFE will add blackbars to the stream even when a non-16:9 monitor is using 16:9 resolution,
  • there is another option to use along the 21:9 resolution to only display the center 16:9 region (5b7a2cc)
  • Detect supported resolutions (#193)
  • Add new option to enable/disable of the vita vblank waiting (#197)

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