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Memory Card Annihilator 2.0

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Memory Card Annihilator es una herramienta creada en 2007. Su objetivo principal es formatear / desformatear tarjetas de memoria (tanto PS2 como PSX), así como gestionar imágenes de tarjetas de memoria (crear imágenes de tarjetas físicas y escribir imágenes en tarjetas físicas). Se puede utilizar para restaurar tarjetas rotas por otros formateadores a la normalidad (por ejemplo, cuando MCKiller y herramientas similares han formateado una tarjeta de 64 MB a 8 MB).

Tiene un manejo de bloques bastante bueno, por lo que incluso las tarjetas gastadas deberían funcionar bien después del formateo (a menos que sea el primer bloque que se atornilló, debido a la forma en que mcman maneja las tarjetas al reconocer el sistema de archivos, no creo que este tipo de El error podría resolverse de una manera diferente a la reasignación de bloques de hardware).

La versión anterior, aunque funcionó muy bien (obtuvo bastantes historias de éxito), tenía dos grandes inconvenientes:

  • a) estaba todo en polaco,
  • b) el modo de visualización se fijó en PAL.

Ahora, en 2010, creé mi propio "Marco GUI". Es bastante genérico, por lo que probablemente podría usarse en cualquier plataforma, pero creé renderizadores dedicados, sistemas de entrada, administradores de texturas, sistemas io para PC Windows (renderizado usando OpenGL) y PS2. Finalmente me aburrí de las pruebas unitarias (bueno ... para algunos sistemas las pruebas "unitarias" ni siquiera eran posibles, él, él). Así que, junto con Berion, decidimos volver a lanzar MCAnnihilator modificado. Utiliza el nuevo marco para hacer toda la GUI. La parte principal es prácticamente la misma que la de 2007 (solo se han realizado algunas correcciones).

Por lo tanto, ahora admite varios idiomas, se puede mostrar en PAL / NTSC / VGA. No hace un uso completo del marco (solo algunas ventanas simples, efectos, impresión de texto, entrada, etc.), pero fue una gran prueba de "vida real" para él. Pude encontrar muchos errores (especialmente en PS2 Vram Manager). También he notado que el fwork necesitaba algunas cosas adicionales. Sin embargo, aunque es solo una prueba, es una aplicación completa.


2. Basic usage.

The video mode needed should be detected automatically (for PAL/NTSC - depending on console). But if it fails for some reason, you can always force particular mode by keeping a button pressed during application startup. The options are as follows:

a) PAL - press dpad RIGHT.
b) NTSC - press dpad LEFT.
c) VGA (640x480) - press dpad UP.

All the gfx has been made with PAL (640x512 framebuffer) mode in mind, so for NTSC (640x448 framebuffer) and VGA (640x480 framebuffer), everything is downscaled to match the screen and preserve on-screen aspect ratio (not the framebuffer pixel ratio). This makes the app to look a little bit worse in NTSC and VGA. One possibility would be to move the screen up and not scale it. But that caused top and bottom to be cut off... And the on-screen aspect ratio would change (so everything would look like it was stretched vertically up).

The possibility to exit application and launch another elf (browsing) has been added just before the release... Take it as an experimental feature. It should work fine, though.

The keys are pretty straightforward. Some are not that obvious, but whenever needed, a hint is displayed to make sure the user knows what to do.

- dpad up/down: change menu item selection, change file selection in explorer.
- dpad left/right: change horizontal menu item selection (yes/no), change submenu item selection (fast/full formatting), change memory card size in the size selection window to the nearest of 8/16/32/64/128MB.
- L1/R1: change memory card size in the size selection window by the unit of 1MB, jump to the next/previous page in file explorer.
- L2/R2: enable/disable file mask in file explorer (on by default).
- START: display virtual keyboard in file explorer, display "thanks/about" window.
- SELECT: when in main menu (card selection screen), display "exit to" dialog and browser to select elf file to exit to, display memory card info screen when in memory card screen (there is also an additional menu item that does exact same thing).
- X: confirm.
- TRIANGLE: cancel/return.

I decided to put the key mapping for virtual keyboard in separate paragraph to make things easier for everyone. You can open the virtual keyboard when using file explorer in write mode by pressing START button.

- left analog stick: move cursor.
- dpad: move cursor (you can switch analog mode on/off by using
"mode" button).
- X: "press" the highlighted key.
- SQUARE: space (can also be pressed on screen).
- CIRCLE: backspace (can also be pressed on screen).
- R1: shift (active only when button is pressed, can also be pressed on screen).
- L1: caps lock on/off (can also be pressed on screen).
- START: enter (confirms filename, exits keyboard, can also be pressed on screen).
- TRIANGLE: exit keyboard without selecting filename.

3. Menu items description.


It basically does what it says. The iop code will clear all the card blocks, check the card for bad blocks (multiple times to make sure) and save bad blocks in an array, then it will write the new filesystem. There are two options: "Fast" and "Full". Fast should be ok for most cases. Full makes additional bad block checks and writes all the card pages (necessary in some cases... takes few times as long as fast). Fast is the default (you can just leave it... unless you're experiencing some problems).


Clears all blocks. It leaves the card in a state it should be when you bought it (totally clear, no filesystem on card). Then
you can use PS2 Browser, in-game tools or whatever you like to format it.


Creates an image of memory card (or a portion of it) and stores it in a selected place. Creates a raw memory card image (without ECC after every page, so you can mount it in uLE or use it with mcsio emulator or OPL). Stores MCI descriptor file for PS2 memory cards.


Restores an image of memory card (writes the selected image to the physicall memory card). Only raw memory card images are supported - no ECC block after every page (no worries, MCA will calculate ECC on the fly if needed). If the image is shorter than the card capacity, an error will be displayed (all the image data will be written, though). IMPORTANT NOTICE: MCA WILL NOT CHECK FOR BAD BLOCKS WHEN RESTORING THE IMAGE. THAT WOULD REQUIRE TO CHANGE THE IMAGE DATA, WCHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE (it's fine only if you're trying to store standard MC filesystem data... which is most likely the only thing you will do, but for the sake of versatility, it has to be left this way.)!


Displays some basic information regarding the card in currently selected slot. There is a "shortcut" to this option - just press "SELECT" button.

5. Disclaimer.

This application is free and provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The authors cannot be held responsible for any damage to the hardware or data loss caused by application usage and missusage.

~ ffgriever & berion 09.09.2010

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