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Xtreme Firmware 3.0 (PPF version)

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Install firmware Xtreme 3.0 (PPF Version by Flash78)

1.- Extract original firmware

mtkflash r /sata /m orig.bin

2.- Copy firmware

copy orig.bin xtreme3.bin

3.- Check orig.bin firmware to Identify model (Ms21, Ms25,Ms25b o Ms28) and Key drive

keygen orig.bin

4.- Patch the xtreme3.bin firmware. USe correct ppf file .

Patch list:

 ms21toXTRM.ppf - To apply in original firmware Ms21
 ms25toXTRM.ppf - To apply in original firmware Ms25
 ms25b2XTRM.ppf - To apply in original firmware Ms25b
 ms28toXTRM.ppf - To apply in original firmware Ms28

Exemple for original firwmare Samsung Ms25:

applyppf xtreme3.bin ms25toxtrm.ppf

5.- Check firmware Xtreme 3
Keygen xtreme3.bin

6.- Flash samsung drive

mtkflash w /sata /m xtreme3.bin

7.- Check the nuew firwmare

mtkflash r /sata /m checkV3.bin
Keygen checkV3.bin

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