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XexDash 0.03

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XexDash is a custom dashboard for Xbox360(XDK/XTK/JTAGGED Console only).

XexDash support Folder/TitleName in Chinese and Japanese charactor.Korean and other Multi-byte charactor file system will be supported in future dev.

    XexDash for XShell:
      Extract XexDash_Xex.zip and copy folder "XexDash" to Devkit:\.
      Rename its excutable to any name you want.
      Launch it from xshell of XDK/XTK.
    XexDash for Dashboard:
      Extract XexDash_Dashboard.zip and copy folder "C0DE0003" to
      Launch it from [Dashboard -> Game Library -> Demo].
  Game Launcher:
    Copy game content from disc to a folder,resign it with xextool.Keep the
    game executable file in its original name "default.xex" and place this
    folder in "hidden" folder of any device(e.g."Devkit:\hidden","Hdd:\hidden",
    "Usb0:\hidden","Cdrom0:\hidden").The folder name will be displayed in
    XexDash.If you need a custom title cover.Name it as default.png and place
    it in the game folder.
  FTP Server:
    The system IP is displayed at right-bottom of screen.Port is 21.
    User:     xbox
    Password: xbox

             UP£∫             Move cursor up
             DOWN£∫           Move cursor down
             LT/LB£∫             Pageup
             RT/RB£∫             Pagedown
             A£∫                 Enter/Confirm
             Y£∫                 Menu
             X£∫                 Sort by name
             B£∫                 Readme
             BACK£∫              Return to Dashboard

  JS-TEAM(ºº ¶–°∂”):
    < EME >
    < GooHome(…ÒπÌ‘¢—‘)>
    < SONIC3D >
    < tedawo>

Special Thanks:
  xorloser: for device mounting sample.

Contact Us:
  Homepage:   http://xexdash.betalog.com/
  Main forum: http://xbox.2dcast.com/

::Update History::
      +Download title cover and BG images via network(switchable between local/network images)
      +Display GPU/CPU Temperature
      +Fan speed control
      +XBOX 1 excutable file support
      *Ftp transferring speed is optimized to 10MB/s(MBCS support work in progress) 
      *Multi screen resolution support
      +FTP server upload speed 
      *Better User Interface
      +Multi-lingle support
      +Background picture/Title ID/Title icon/Title names display
      +Custumize background picture
      +Restore previous used device
      +FTP server

      *Fix bugs on listing games on usb devices
      +Coded for supporting multi-encoding

      +Usb device support
      +Chinese charactor support
      +Auto scan game
      *Modified key configuration
      +Display game cover picture
      +Refresh list and switchable sorting order
      +Multi screen resolution support

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