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Altus - Xbox Package File Manager 1.0.0

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Altus is a plugin based application for manipulating Xbox package formats. Currently there is no ability to add/remove files, although the structure is in place, just need the plugins to support it. I started writing this program because every time a new development was made it spawned off a new program, we have quite a lot of programmers on the scene if they're all writing the same thing we're just wasting time.

Included Plugins:

  • ImageReader Plugin - Reads any ISO/360/BIN/TAO Xbox image, it will read a burnt Xbox DVD in a standard DVD drive, plus it will unlock and read from original Xbox drives.
  • BF Plugin - Reads King Kong .bf files
  • XZP Plugin - Reads .zxp format (mostly noticed on the Kiosk disc)
  • XIP Plugin - Reads .xip files from the original Xbox


  • XIU for CVS hosting and coding help, best C# programmer I know :)
  • th0mas for making the BF format understandable for me!
  • TheSpecialist for a lot of hard work in the DVD firmware thread, without him the ImageReader would only be half what it is now

by DarkNeo & XIU

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