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NUS Downloader (NUSD) 1.9

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NUS Downloader, or NUSD, is a Windows program designed to allow easy access to the resources present on Nintendo's Update Servers. Using this tool, you can download, pack, and decrypt many system titles into WADs ready to install.


This tool creates WAD files. If it should happen to have issues during this procedure, installing corrupt WAD files could BRICK your Wii. Don't use this program if you are not sure of what it accomplishes. No warranty provided, no responsibility on me if you brick anything!


Load the program, and enter a title ID and optionally a version number. Title IDs can be found in the Title database or IOS History.

Looking below, evaluate whether the checkboxes have the desired values.

  • Keep Encrypted Contents: Leaves the 00000000, 00000001, etc. files present. These are what make up a WAD, but are not necessary to keep if you only want a WAD.
  • Create Decrypted Contents: Uses the Wii/DSi key to create corresponding 00000000.app, 00000001.app, etc. decrypted NUS content files.
  • Pack WAD: This creates a WAD file of the desired NUS title. This is only available for Wii titles.
  • Use Local Files: This skips downloading files that appear to be present in your local title library.
  • Patch IOS: This, in conjunction with Pack WAD, patches NUS IOS titles with various exploit-enabling "features."

Press Start NUS Download, and wait for the title download to finish. When completed, you can find the downloaded/created files in \titles\titleId\version\*

System WADs can be installed using any normal homebrew installer on the Wii.


  • You cannot get free games with NUSD.
  • Title IDs are 16 characters long: no dashes/spaces/symbols.
  • Having a (Mismatch) message is OK. It relates only to the difference between TMD and actual content sizes.
  • Entering no version number will get the latest one. Remember that System Menu's have separate versions for each region, so you may not want the latest one.
  • A failure to download a TMD means either your internet is not connected or you are entering incorrect information.
  • A failure to download cetk (tickets) means that the title can still be downloaded, but not packed or decrypted.
  • This program requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 to run!


There are several reasons to use this program.

  • Avoid unnecessary pirating of System WADs (IOS modules, System Menus, etc.)
  • Obtain a specific version of a System Title (Menu 3.2U, etc.)
  • Simplification of download and packing process.
  • Decrypt contents straight from NUS.

What this does NOT do:

  • Package VC/WiiWare/DSiWare needing an individual ticket.
  • Decrypt WC/WiiWare/DSiWare titles (no tickets!)

by WB3000.

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