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reNXpack 1.16

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reNXpack is a tool for repacking Nintendo Switch nsps to work on lower firmwares.


  • Repack games, updates and dlcs with lowest encryption keys
  • Convert titlekey encrypted ncas to standard encrypted ncas
  • Patch required firmware version and required application version to zero
  • Support nsps containing multiple games, updates and dlcs

You should load your keyset file with -k or --keyset option followed by a path to it or place your keyset file with "keys.dat" filename in the same folder as reNXpack.

Required keys are:

  • header_key: NCA Header Key
  • key_area_key_application_xx: Application key area encryption keys
  • titlekek_xx: Title key encryption keys

By default, Created nsp files are located in the same folder as reNXpack with 'titleid_reNXpack.nsp' filename
You can change output directory with -o, --outdir option
reNXpack creates "renxpack_extracted_nsp" folder as a temp directory, It deletes the directory content before and after conversion
If you use -t, --tempdir option to choose a temporary directory, Make sure it's an empty directory and it's not the same as output directory otherwise reNXpack deletes it

*nix: ./renxpack [options...] <path_to_file.nsp>  
Windows: .\renxpack.exe [options...] <path_to_file.nsp>  
-k, --keyset             Set keyset filepath, default filepath is ./keys.dat  
-h, --help               Display usage  
-t, --tempdir            Set temporary directory path  
-o, --outdir             Set output directory path  


reNXpack is based on hactool by SciresM.

Thanks: SciresM, Rajkosto, Switch Brew.

by The-4n.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.16


  • Fixed a bug in file paths

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