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nXDownload 1.1b

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Download any file directly inside sdmc:/ on your Nintendo Switch First impact.

This homebrew was intended to download specially NSPs & XCI without problems. But it can download any file (really)! sort of tool downloader.

This tool is pretty basic:

  1. Create a file .txt (from any device)
  2. Add few lines with links with formatted arguments
    • i.e.<title-of-game/desciption> = <download/link/url_without_HTTPS>
    • Files are downloaded by default to sdmc:/switch/nXDownload/
    • Remember that this tool requires Direct Download Links till i find someway to parse the download link from the webpage!
    • File-sharing websites compatible with my tool are Mediafire, Uptobox, 1fichier, and any website that uses HTTP protocol!
  3. Power on your Switch, and select what file to download!


  • When dowloading BIG files, is better to put your Switch in Dock mode so you will not risk to:
    • Burn your pixels!
    • No need to be afraid if the battery is low.
  • This project is based on libcurl.
  • This project changes the heap size, to get the software Keyboard feature (can have memory issues). In future, this could change.
  • It doesn't support HTTPS protocol (meaning that once mbedtls library is officially ported to libnx we then can use SSL encyption)
  • This project is under GPL-3 License.
  • use command line pacman -S switch-curl inside Msys2 to be able to compile this homebrew.
  • I do not take any responsibility if it is used inappropriately or is damaging your console.

by Dontwait00.






Que novedades incluye la versión 1.1b


  • [ADDED] https support
  • [FIX] lots of general system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.

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