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Ball Pack by Hawke (PES 2019 PC) vol. 9

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As the people who use my Ball Packs will know, BallCondition.bin is now corrupting & it’s not possible to add any more balls via CPK…so ALL ball packs from now on & including this one will be ball server updates only.

Install 1:

If you already have Volume 8 installed in either CPK version + ball-server or Sider version + ball-server then you just need to download volume 9 extension pack & replace your “content\ball-server” folder with the one from this download…new balls are linked to their competitions through map_competitions.txt & balls that have no competitions are linked to Exhibition mode & are available via the Sider overlay menu for manual selection + random selection.

Install 2:

If you don’t have Volume 8 installed then install it …once installed follow the Install 1: instructions from above to update to the Volume 9 extension.

NOTE: Balls have been verified working ….I take no responsibility for Mods/Patches or Sider Modules/Switchers that aren’t compatible with my ball packs.


  • CGPE / shawminator
  • Sider / juce & @nesa24
  • Cri Packed FileMaker / CRI Middleware Co., Ltd
  • Ball-Server / zlac

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