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HiyaCFW-Helper 3.0.2

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In order to make things easier for me, and because I don't have Windows, I edited the HiyaCFW Helper Python script by jerbear64 and LmN in order to add a graphical user interface to it.

What it does:

  • Allows you to browse for your NAND backup, no need to place it at the same folder.
  • Shows the option to choose the output destination, which should be a (preferably empty) FAT formatted SD card or any other folder.
  • Downloads the latest HiyaCFW release and decompress it.
  • Autodetects the console region from the NAND dump, downloads and decrypts its v512 launcher.
  • Creates the patched 00000002.app and bootloader.nds for the custom firmware.
  • Uses your platform's twltool (binaries for Linux and MacOS included) to decrypt the NAND.
  • Mounts the decrypted NAND (OSFMount required for Windows) and extracts it to the chosen output destination.
  • Installs the HiyaCFW and the patched files on the chosen output destination.
  • (Optional) installs the latest release of TWiLightMenu++ (or any of the previous releases of it or DSiMenu++ or SRLoader placed at the same folder as the helper) on the chosen output destination.

NAND mode:

Clicking on the integrated circuit button will give you a NAND mode, where you can uninstall unlaunch or install its v1.4 stable release, remove the No$GBA footer or add it. Recommended only for those with a hardmod.


Que novedades incluye la versión 3.0.2


Due there has been many reports about some people getting the "Cannot get HiyaCFW" error, the ability to use an already downloaded HiyaCFW.7z and a launcher file (AUS, EUR, JAP or USA present on the launchers folder of the repo) was added back.

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