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AutoHacker 2.1

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AutoHacker is an app I wrote which helps automate the proccess of SMC/JTAG Hack (on nand-related stuff only, of course).


  • Motherboard Autodetection
  • CB version / exploitability Autodetection
  • Reads NAND two times (or part of it if we are using a BB Jasper)
  • Compares the two backups, if they are identical, it saves them in a folder with a name of our choice.
  • Extracts KV and ConfigBlock from the NAND Backup.
  • Patches previously extracted KV and ConfigBlock in to the correct version of XBReboot (which is also autodetected).
  • Writes final image to NAND memory of our console.
  • Can also erase NAND (or part of it, if we are using a BB Jasper)
  • Can also write original backup into NAND.

It can also be used regardless of JTAG Hacking in the following ways:

  • Nand Dump
  • Nand Compare
  • Nand Write (any .bin image)

It uses a full (custom) GUI which saves as from typos or mistakes which can be done by manually typing in commands. It also saves as from looking up to Guides to determine the correct NAND addresses which are varied along with the motherboard revisions, since AutoHacker knows the motherboard we are working on, if it is exploitable etc. If something is not right (CB not exploitable / we have not patched XBR / we have not two identical backups) it does NOT overwrite our NAND. ;D

NOTICE: This program DEPENDS on NandPro(info) and does NOT replace it.
I will update the app regularly, fixing bugs and adding features. Of course, each time a new XBR comes out, AutoHacker will need to be updated (this goes without saying).

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