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Plugins Manager 2.5

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A plugins manager for PS Vita.


Changes are not saved automatically, you must open the menu and select Save config.txt once done.

TaiHEN config is automatically reloaded on save, but a reboot is still required for kernel plugins.


  • Left / Right - Switch section
  • Up / Down - Select plugin/section
  • Square - Multi-select (Title IDs)
  • Triangle - Open / Close menu
  • Circle / Cross(JAP) - Cancel
  • Cross / Circle(JAP) - Accept

Supported paths

ur0 is the preferred path if both ur0 and ux0 exist

Plugins Manager supports any path, however the preferred path is (ux0/ur0):tai/plugins.

Disabled and All Plugins sections require the use of (ux0/ur0):tai/plugins to be populated.

Plugins from arbitrary path will not be there.

These paths are harcoded in plugins manager:
( ur0/ux0 ):tai/henkaku.suprx ( ur0/ux0 ):tai/plugins ( ur0/ux0 ):adrenaline ux0:app/PSPEMUCFW/sce_module/adrenaline_kernel.skprx (Adrenaline 6+)

Plugins Manager special sections

  • Enabled: An overview of your config file, ie all your enabled plugins
  • Disabled: All the plugins that are not enabled anywhere, ie in no app (see supported paths)
  • All Plugins: A complete list of your plugins (see supported paths)

How to enable a plugin

METHOD 1: From plugins folder

1) Switch to Disabled or All Plugins
2) Select the plugin you want to enable
3) Press triangle to open the menu
4) Select Enable plugin

METHOD 2: Browse...

1) Press triangle to open the menu
2) Select Browse...
3) Select the plugin you want to enable

If you enabled a kernel plugin, a dialog will ask you to reboot.

If you enabled a user plugin, you can now select IDs (Press Square to select multiple IDs).

How to disable a plugin

1) Swith to Enabled or *PluginSectionHere
2) Select the plugin you want to disable
3) Press triangle to open the menu
4) Select Disable plugin

How to delete a plugin from your memory card
1) Press triangle to open the menu
2) Select Delete plugin (This is not reversible)

How to add a new Halt Point

1) Switch to Enabled or Disabled or All Plugins section
2) Press Triangle to open the menu
3) Select Add Halt Point
4) Select IDs (Press Square to select multiple IDs)

How to set an existing section as Halt Point

1) Switch to Enabled section
2) Move to a section
3) Press Triangle to open the menu
4) Select Use as Halt Point

How to unset an Halt Point

1) Switch to Enabled section
2) Move to a section
3) Press Triangle to open the menu
4) Select Use as Section or Delete section

Other options

  • You can disable an entire section to disable its plugins
  • You can reload your config.txt within Plugins Manager if you want to undo your current changes
  • You can delete your plugins within Plugins Manager (Disabled section only)

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