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Uwizard 1.1.3

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Uwizard is an all-in-one Wii U PC program.


To import a system key, open the settings tab, and enter the key in the text box, or click "Import" and select a .bin or.txt file that contains the key.

The open a WUD (Wii U disc image), open the WUD Manager tab, then click "Open Wii U Game Backup", then select your WUD file.
Uwizard will automatically download covers from http://www.gametdb.com/WiiU/List
You may also extract the contents of the game using Crediar's DiscU by clicking the "Extract Game Files" button.
To do this, you must enter the disc title key. Because of legal reasons, the keys are not included with Uwizard,  but SHA-1 hashes are included for most games to help verify your keys.

To download a title from NUS, open the NUS Downloader U tab, then either type in the 16-character title ID, or choose a title from the list. The title version is optional. You may also decrypt and extract the contents of the title using Crediar's CDecrypt by checking the "Decrypt Contents" check box.
Use the "Add Title" button to add the currently entered title ID and version to the list. Use the "Delete Title" button to delete the selected item from the list. Use the "Clear List" button to remove all titles from the list. This includes titles that came pre-entered with Uwizard.

To decode a BFSTM Wii U sound stream to a WAV audio file, open the BFSTM Decoder tab, then click "Convert a BFSTM to a WAV", then select the input BFSTM and the output WAV. You may also display all BFSTM and WAV files within a folder in the list on the left by clicking "Select Folder".

In the settings tab, the "Check for Updates" button makes updating to the latest game list and Uwizard versions easy.


    German language added.
    Spanish language added.
    Minor bug fixes.

    BFWAV decoder added.
    MP3 compiler added.

    SZS and SARC archive management added.
    BFSTM multi-select and optional channel separation added.
    Command line interface added.
    More NUS titles added to the easy-access list.
    Multiple languages added.
    Minor bug fixes.
    NUS Downloader U added.
    BFSTM decoder added.
    List selection of Wii U games added.
    Minor bug fixes.
    Option to hide keys added.
    Minor bug fixes.

    Program Creation

  Mr. Mysterio - Programmer of Uwizard
  Crediar - Programmer of DiscU and CDecrypt
  MasterF0x - Distributor of BFSTM Decoder
  GameTDB - Game Covers
  VinsCool, capito27, Phanteon, send0r - Translation

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