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Wiimote Emulator 1.0.0

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Emulates a Bluetooth Wii controller in software.


  • Emulate the Wiimote's many features and extensions
  • Allows use of different input devices (keyboard etc.)



The following dependencies/packages are required (if not already installed):

  • libdbus-1-dev
  • libglib2.0-dev
  • libsdl1.2-dev

Run the build script (in the project directory):

source ./build-custom.sh

Using the Emulator

Stop any running Bluetooth service, e.g.:

sudo service bluetooth stop

Start the custom Bluetooth stack (e.g. from the project directory):

sudo ./bluez-4.101/dist/sbin/bluetoothd

Run the emulator (in the project directory):


With no arguments, the emulator will listen for incoming connections (similar to syncing a real Wiimote). Pressing the sync button on a Wii should cause it to connect.

You can also supply the address of a Wii to directly connect to it as long as you have connected to it before (or you change your device's address to the address of a trusted Wiimote).

./wmemulator XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

You will need to run the custom Bluetooth stack (as described above) whenever using the emulator (it won't persist after e.g. a device restart). Also, the custom stack generally won't be useful for anything besides Wiimote emulation.

To stop the custom stack and restore the original Bluetooth service, e.g.:

sudo killall bluetoothd
sudo service bluetooth start

by mconrad.

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