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ListTube 1.0.0

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ListTube is a free online on-demand music player. Make your online music playlists and share it with your friends.

This is my first homebrew application on the vita and i have been working on this project for 2 weeks to ensure i got the coding right....to be honest coding for this handheld isn't easy but was fun to do and i'm planning to build more for the PSVITA soon.

if your unsure what does this actually does, it will connect to listtube and will allow you to watch ad-free music videos, songs etc for free, unfortunately downloading them is restricted this is because i really didn't implement that feature, it's similar to TubeVita but different and hopefully you all like it as much as i do. Currently i haven't setup my github with the open source code quite yet.

you will need to have a stable internet connection to use this application and custom firmware installed for the app to run.

by Cyberdev.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.0.0


  • First public release.

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