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3DSBank 1.1

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Have you hit the 300 title limit on your 3DS, and/or want more than 300 titles, but don't want to make an EmuNAND (or 2nd one), or use another SD card?

The answer, is 3DSBank!

With this, you can store your Nintendo 3DS folder into a bank, and select or create another one to use, containing your other titles (and themes, and badges).


Adding custom names

The custom names can be defined in 3DSBank/3DSBank.ini like so:

SLOT_NAME_0 = Favorites
SLOT_NAME_1 = More Fav.
SLOT_NAME_2 = Homebrew Games


DrStraightface: Updated source to allow custom naming of folders, and having currently active folder selected on startup.

by RocketRobz.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.1


What's new?

  • (DrStraightface) Updated to allow custom naming of folders, and having currently active folder selected on startup!
    • See the README for instructions.
  • Year has been added to the bottom of the top screen, along with the developer's name.
  • Robz8 has been to changed to RocketRobz in the banner text.
    • To see the change, delete 3DSBank in DSiWare Data Management, then install the CIA again.


  • Dithering effect on the top screen has been removed!

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