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Orbis Suite 2.0.528.0

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A suite of tools used for developing things on a jailbroken PS4. Aswell as an included DLL for creating 3rd party C# applications using the OrbisLib API.



API for remote target control

  •  Memory Read/ Write
  •  Remote Procedure Calls
  •  Loading / Unloading SPRX Libraries to Userland Processes
  •  Loading ELF's to Userland Processes
  •  Jail/Unjail Userland Processes
Comprehensive Debugger
  •  Breakpoints / Watchpoints
  •  Register Management
  •  Memory view and dumper
  •  Instruction Disassembly
  •  StopCode Decoding
  •  Process Management (Stop/Start/Single Step/Step Over/Step Out)
  •  Process Thread Management
  •  Customizable Debugging environment
Module Management
  •  Load/Reload/Unload SPRX Libraries to Userland Process
  •  Load ELF to Userland Process
  •  Dumping Userland Processes and Libraries
  •  List of loaded Libraries in Userland Process
  •  File browser
Taskbar Application
  •  Add/Manage saved Targets
  •  Open Various Orbis Suite Apps
  •  Manage Power state of console
  •  Load/auto load payload
  •  Set Taskbar app to auto load on windows boot
Console Output
  •  Read UART/Socket Prints from remote Target
Orbis Neighborhood
  •  GUI for managing saved Targets
SPRX Helper
  •  Easily impliment automatic fsign and ftp sprx for debugging
C# DLL for easy 3rd party application Development using API
  •  Full access to API calls and features
  •  Remote Procedure calls
Future Features
  •  Callback for Remote Procedure Calls
  •  module loader for games (auto load modules for games on start up with config to tell what to load)
  •  module loader for boot (auto load kernel modules on boot. or maybe like a vsh sprx)
  •  Remote video feed of screen and or screen shot feature

by OSM-Made.

Que novedades incluye la versión 2.0.528.0


  • Auto payload loader is now implemented.
  • You can now change the target per instance. Target Selected can now be changed from the "Select Target" drop down or clicking on the Target label and selecting the target from the drop down.
  • No longer is it needed to have a default target when starting the application.
  • By default now the selected target will be the default target and if there isn't one it will be no target.
  • SPRX Helper is now Implemented. You can now include it as a build event to fake sign and copy your PRX projects to your Target.
  • SPRX Helper Commands:
    • "-PythonDirectory" In case the automatic method doesn't detect it.
    • "-PRXDirectory" Required Tells the executable where your prx is located to fake sign and or copy.
    • "-Target" The target name to copy the file to.
    • "-DefaultTarget" use this to just copy the file to the default target.
    • "-FTPFilePath" If you are wanting the file copied to the remote target use this to tell it where to copy it to. must be used with -Target {TargetName} or -DefaultTarget

Example build event:

"C:\Program Files\Orbis Suite\OrbisSPRXHelper.exe" -PythonDirectory "C:\Python27\python.exe" -PRXDirectory "$(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)" -FTPFilePath "/mnt/usb0/" -Target "OSM's Console"


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