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PES Sound Editor 2.0b

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With PES Sound Editor you can export the hca file in the awb files, uou can Import the hca file in the awb or you can play the hca file.


  • Open AWB
  • Save AWB
  • List
  • Export to hca
  • Export to wav
  • Export ALL(hca)
  • Export ALL(wav)
  • Import file
  • Playing to awb in sound






  • Special thanks MUSTAFA U.
  • Thanks to : CRI_MW, CRI Middleware Co., Ltd., Dino Chiesa, Mark Heath

NOTE: I'm using obfusactor, to secure codes . That's why there is false positivity,the program is completely safe.

by Devil Cold52.

Que novedades incluye la versión 2.0b


  • Save AWB
  • Some Bugs

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