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re3-nx 23.10.2020

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GTA 3 decompilation ported to the Nintendo Switch.

The aim of this project is to reverse GTA III for PC by replacing parts of the game one by one such that we have a working game at all times.

How to install:

  • Place re3.nro inside /switch/re3/ (so its path should look like /switch/re3/re3.nro) on your SD Card
  • Place GTA 3 PC files inside /switch/re3/
  • Create folder called userfiles inside /switch/re3/
  • (Optional but recommended) Extract gamefiles.zip into /switch/re3/

You can copy all files from the gta 3 folder and it will work, but the files/folders that are actually needed are:

  • txd
  • TEXT
  • skins
  • mp3
  • movies
  • models
  • data
  • audio
  • anim
  • gta3.ini

by AGraber.

Que novedades incluye la versión 23.10.2020


  • Merged with latests commits from the original re3 repository, includes a good number fixes and changes made by the re3 team.
  • Built with MASTER and FINAL defines: Version 1.0 watermark should be gone
  • Enabled PS2-Like menu for console-like experience. (this menu currently has some artifacts with the texture so an ugly workaround was used to prevent one of the most noticeable artifacts, but you can still see the texture wrapping on the right on 1080p, not a big deal for now though)
  • GTA-SA like camera enabled with bundled re3.ini file, you can disable it if you want by changing 1 to 0 in the FreeCam line inside the re3.ini file.
  • Fixed rendering artifacts related to resolution changes when switching from docked mode to handheld mode.
  • The game will now go back in menus with the B button instead of the Y button.
  • Disable touch screen acting as mouse (pointless anyways)
  • Resolution settings are now hidden since the best resolution is chosen by the console depending on the mode anyways.
  • Added MP3 player support (new feature implemented by re3 team a while ago) - might stutter a bit when switching to it because of mp3: make an mp3 folder besides re3.nro and put your mp3 files in there.



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