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SpeedOut 0.5

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Do you have a Flash Stick? Yes, of course. Do you know, how fast it is? Will you be able to run program from within it, play a portable Call Of Duty or just quickly copy a film from/to it? You don't know.

When you are going to buy a USB Drive or Stick, you can see big amount of different vendors, and everywhere is label "The BEST". Who is the best? Kingston or Kingmax, PQi or SanDisk, Transcend or Canyon?

Presenting new utility SpeedOut.

About this program. Short FAQ.

It's really easy to use this application.  Just one button 2 go. Anyway, lets get into deep and decide, why is my program better then many other. Well, SpeedOut is an application, created for calculating USB drive (stick or external HDD) read/write speed. It is using low-level technology, which allows you to know REAL drive speed, without slowdowns, caused by File System. After program start you can see simple interface:


By pressing Start, program will make four read and four write tests. After that you'll get result for reading and writing. DON'T TOUCH MOUSE AND KEYBOARD DURING THIS OPERATION! Also, you will get a mark for your drive, showing how fast is it.

3.jpeg   2.jpeg

As you can see, first graph is showing mark on Read Speed, second - on Write Speed. Here it is. The main thing, why program is better then another (like Everest HDD Bench or HDD Tune): no data will be destroyed while writing test is performed! No need to reformat your drive! Nothing more, just one click. Also, at system menu (Alt+Space) you will have two important functions - Save to file (just click enter - program will save file on drive that was checked) and Copy to clipboard (easy way to bounce in chat with your friends).

SpeedOut is fully portable - so you can take it with you wherever you want.

Question: I have a problem, many exe-files on my PC can not run. I double-click and nothing happens!!!
Answer: Probably, you have IndieVolume installed on your Windows. It is using invalid hook data - so, remove IndieVolume - and problem is decided.

Question: Your program is showing different resultsfor one stick. Why?
Answer: It depends on port and time, you were using USB. Just put off your flash, wait five mins and set on. I'll try to make results less different in next version.

Question: Is program working under User-mode.
Answer: Nope. Low-level is only allowed under administrator.

Possibilities and advantages:

  • Fully portable
  • No need to reformat your drive
  • Low-level technology
  • Beautiful interface
  • Easy to use - click2go
  • No bugs as soon as you are not disasming it
  • Short tests - realistic results.
  • TOTALLY clean
  • And, of course, free

by Mbentefor.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.5   See changelog


  • Now writing to NTFS on Windows Vista/Se7en (at last!!!!)
  • Changed dismount technology
  • Startup design

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