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A script to autobuild an open source toolchain for the PS3.

What does this do?

This program will automatically build and install a compiler and other tools used in the creation of homebrew software for the Sony PlayStation 3 videogame system.

How do I use it?

Set up your environment by installing the following software:

autoconf, automake, bison, flex, gcc, libelf, make, makeinfo, ncurses, patch, python, subversion, wget, zlib, libtool, python, bzip2, gmp, pkg-config, g++, libssl-dev, clang


Specifically on debian-based systems, the following command line should be enough to install everything necessary:

  apt-get install autoconf automake bison flex gcc libelf-dev make \
    texinfo libncurses5-dev patch python subversion wget zlib1g-dev \
    libtool libtool-bin python-dev bzip2 libgmp3-dev pkg-config g++ libssl-dev clang


On macOS systems, if you have Homebrew package manager, the following command line should be enough to install everything necessary:

brew install autoconf automake openssl libelf ncurses zlib gmp wget pkg-config

Add the following to your login script:

  export PS3DEV=/usr/local/ps3dev
  export PSL1GHT=$PS3DEV

  export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/bin
  export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/ppu/bin
  export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/spu/bin

Run the toolchain script:


by ps3dev.

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