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BGFTP 3.23

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Background FTP server for PS Vita.

Works simultaneously with any game, including enlarged memory mode games, and in sleep mode. Runs on system-reserved core, so performance in games is not affected. BGFTP can send various information to user via notifications.

Can be somewhat slow when cpu-hungry game process is running due to BGFTP process having low priority.


How to use

  1. Install LowMemMode plugin to increase multitasking abilities. It is not required, but highly recommended.
  2. Intstall .vpk, start BGFTP application.

To disable notifications, go to Settings -> Notifications -> BGFTP. Don't forget to terminate BGFTP after you finished using it, otherwise you system will not switch to sleep mode.

BGFTP background application can be terminated under following conditions:

  1. LiveArea of the main application is peeled off.
  2. Enlarged memory mode game is started. BGFTP can be relaunched afterwards if you have LowMemMode plugin installed.


This application use modified versions of libftpvita and libvita2d by xerpi.

by GrapheneCt.

Que novedades incluye la versión 3.23


  • Updated libftpvita to the latest version
  • Fixed incorrect notification length limit
  • Made notifications more useful
  • Disabled preload for unused system modules

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