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NHSE (Animal Crossing: New Horizons Save Editor) 2020.04.30

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Save Editor for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Edits savedata dumped from the Nintendo Switch.

Bring your own save file data; this program does not dump it from your console.



  • To load your save file, click the button and select the folder where your save data is located.
  • Alternatively, drag & drop the save data folder into the window.
  • To load from the most recently loaded path, shift click the button instead.


  • Toggle between all saved Player profiles.
  • Ribbon at the top of the window provides export options for dumping & importing decrypted data (hex editing).


  • Dump and Load villager files.
  • Villagers foreign to the save file can be automatically updated to match the save file's data.


  • Dump and Load inventory files; share them with other users!
  • Items store the item ID and various other values; sprites are generated with text displaying the stored values/flags.


  • Control: View item
  • Shift: Set item
  • Alt: Delete item

See Also

  • MyHorizons by Cuyler36
    • Some portions of code are liberally adapted from Cuyler36's project.

We do not support or condone cheating at the expense of others. Please be responsible!

by kwsch.

Que novedades incluye la versión 2020.04.30


  • add readmes for other languages

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