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NXCord 0.4.1

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Unofficial Nintendo Switch Discord client.

Installation and usage

Download the latest build. Extract it to the root of your sdcard you use for your switch. You do need to reboot your system, otherwise the sysmodule won't start running. After rebooting you can open NXCord in homebrew menu and you will see a login screen, if you it's you first time using it.

Using a bot

Since selfbotting is not allowed, I'd recommend you to use a bot. If you don't know how to do it, just follow these simple steps. After copying the token and inviting the bot to your desired discord server, create a file named /config/nxcord/nxcord.ini and put your token there. For example your first line in the file should be token=<your token>. You need to restart your switch after modifying that file.


Selbotting means that you are using a third pary client to access discord with an user account. It's against the TOS of discord, thus not recommended. I've been using an user account for testing for months already and haven't been banned yet. Might be safe, but I am not responsible for any bans!


by Grarak.

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.4.1



  • Upgrade http version to 1.1 to fix requests to discord


  • Add tesla overlay support (change volume of other voice participants)


  • Build environment: Switched to CMake
  • Login: Fix 2fa
  • Settings: Add microphone amplifier
  • Settings: Add audio volume modifier
  • Settings: Add microphone sensitivity threshold
  • Reduced memory usage during login
  • Show error screen when sysmodule has crashed
  • Add toolbox json file for kosmos

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