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Aerial - Apple TV Aerial Views Screen Saver 1.7.0

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Aerial is a Mac screensaver based on the new Apple TV screensaver that displays the Aerial movies Apple shot over New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, China, etc. Starting with version 1.6, this also includes the new undersea videos available in tvOS 13!


Warning : If you have upgraded to macOS Catalina, you will notice that there are some new restrictions applied to screensavers.

Aerial now includes an auto-update mechanism using the Sparkle open-source project. This mechanism is, for the time being, broken for macOS Catalina. You will need to download it manually the first time (and subsequent times in Catalina) :

  1. Quit System Preferences.
  2. Download the latest release.
  3. Unzip the downloaded file (if you use Safari, it should already be done for you).
  4. Double-click Aerial.saver; it will open in System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver and ask you if you want to install for all users or for your user only. Be aware that installing for all users will require a password at install and each subsequent update, including auto-updates. By default, Aerial will still share its video cache if you install multiple times on the same system for each user.

After installation, if you are upgrading from a previous version, we suggest you check your cache path settings as 1.6.0 includes some significant changes to prepare for macOS Catalina.


by John Coates.

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